Simply work your way through our online first aid modules below, you will need to create a profile (register) and login if you haven’t already done so.
Basic online first aid course
Login to view modulesRegisterBelow are the modules for our online first aid course. You do not have to take them in a particular order, however, if you are totally new to first aid it may help to start at the beginning.
At the end of each module there is a first aid quiz where you can test your knowledge. Once you’ve completed all the modules you can download a free first aid certificate.
Good luck and enjoy learning first aid!
Attention: You must be logged in to access the course material. If you don’t have an account then please register
Module 1
Introduction to First Aid
Unit 1
Why Learn First Aid?
Unit 2
The Aims of First Aid
Unit 3
Incident Management
Unit 4
Infection Control
Unit 5
End of module 1 quiz
Module 2
The Unconscious Victim
Unit 1
The Primary Survey: DRAB
Unit 2
The Recovery Position
Unit 3
Introduction to CPR
Unit 4
The Chain of Survival
Unit 5
Performing Adult CPR
Unit 6
Common CPR Mistakes
Unit 7
Video: CPR in Action
Unit 8
End of module 2 quiz
Module 3
Bleeding and Shock
Unit 1
The Circulatory System
Unit 2
Dealing With Major Bleeding
Unit 3
Puncture Wounds
Unit 4
Unit 5
Minor wounds
Unit 6
End of module 3 quiz
Module 4
Burns and Scalds
Unit 1
Classification of burns
Unit 2
Treatment of burns
Unit 3
End of module 4 quiz
Please remember to mark all the modules as completed otherwise you will not be able to download your basic first aid certificate. Modules marked as completed will have a green tick next to them above. If you experience any problems please visit our help pages.
Advanced online first aid course
Completed the above course? Why not check out our new free online advanced first aid course. This course will build upon the training and content in the basic first aid course above and will help further your knowledge on topics such as:
- Medical conditions
- Minor injuries
- Patient assessment
- Clinical observations
- The roles and responsibilities of a first aider
As always you will receive a free first aid certificate once you complete the advanced course.