In case of emergency (ICE) on your mobile phone
Do you have your mobile phone handy?
If so, take a few seconds to get it out and add an ICE (in case of emergency) contact.
An In Case of Emergency contact is someone you want to be contacted in the event you had an accident/emergency, and were unable to make the call yourself.
The emergency services and healthcare staff may check a person’s phone for such contacts and then inform the ICE contact that an incident has occurred.
Your ICE contact could be anyone, family/friends/partner etc. In addition you can add multiple contacts by using ICE1, ICE2 and so on.
All you need to do is add a regular contact on your phone, but list the contact’s name as “ICE”. No extra applications or third party software is required.
Many smartphones also allow emergency contact information to be displayed even if your phone is locked. iPhone users can setup a Medical ID (including an ICE contact) by visiting the Health app on their iPhone.
The Medical ID also allows you to enter other important medical information such as allergies and medical conditions. This can be vital information for first responders.