What does COWS stand for in first aid?

Unconscious child

COWS is a method of assessing a victim’s level of response when dealing with a collapsed victim. 

Although a slightly unusual memory aid, it does remind first aiders of the importance of assessing the level of response in a methodical way.

COWS consists of two questions and two commands.

What does COWS stand for?

COWS stands for:

Can you hear me?

Open your eyes

What’s your name?

Squeeze my hand

If someone does not respond to any of these commands, then they are not responding to verbal commands. The next step would be to gently squeeze their shoulders to see if they respond. If they do not then they are unconscious and this a medical emergency requiring urgent first aid.


What does ABC stand for in first aid?

In first aid, ABC stands for airway, breathing, and circulation.

What are the four A’s of first aid?

The four A’s of first aid are awareness, assessment, action, and aftercare.

What are the three C’s of first aid?

The three C’s of first aid are check, call, and care.

What are the different types of first aid?

The different types of first aid include burns, choking, bleeding, broken bones, and CPR.

Who is the father of first aid?

The father of first aid is Friedrich Esmarch.


First aid contains numerous acronyms and being aware of them allows you to help people in emergency situations. Among the several acronyms to keep yourself aware of, COWS is one of them.

This particular method serves useful when you’re hoping to get a verbal response from a patient or victim. If they don’t respond, then you can be certain that they are unconscious, and you need to call for emergency medical help.

John Furst

JOHN FURST is an experienced emergency medical technician and qualified first aid and CPR instructor. John is passionate about first aid and believes everyone should have the skills and confidence to take action in an emergency situation.

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